Well I'm not going to lie- that picture of Mount Olympus in the snow was looking more like paradise than the Palm Springs one. It may be less hot here in Rurutu but it's hot dangit. Anyways it sound like your never really home, which is awesome actually. We've got to see the world sometime.. Here it's actually been moderately interesting. First off Wednesday we went to cut a really old guys lawn with our ward. We had weed wacker, which here they use as a lawnmower usually, one lawnmower, and a rake. Then we ate at the only restaurant in all of Rurutu paid for by a guy in our ward. Life was good. We had a lesson Thursday where I apparently predicted the tsunami? I made a comparison that if we said there would be a tsunami tomorrow it would be the same as if God himself said it. Now I'm pretty sure these kids twisted my words a little but sure enough the next morning I woke up to the tsunami warning siren and our phone ringing. The assistants called us and they told us we were going to die. "There's a ten meter wave! Run to the mountains!" We took the essentials, locked up our other stuff and peaced out on our crap shack. After waiting forever with the ward, we got bored and played soccer until finally they said it was safe to come down. Then we went to the dock where there actually was a really, really weak sauce tsunami. The ocean pulled way back then just filled up again. Then we left. I went with the branch president and we had some real success with the inactives and our investigators alike. Also we got some new investigators this week. I can't really say how many cause I don't know how many will actually stick with it. The work is moving forward here, it's just really slow. I'm learning a lot about patience everyday. We're leaving Wednesday for a zone conference in Papeete and coming back Friday. Then we'll see about transfers. I'm praying it's me. Although a guy in my district who is now a zone leader heard rumor that my companion will be the one who leaves. DANG! We'll see though. Well that's about all for now. I'm just looking forward to that Mothers day phone call.
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