Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 27, 2011

There isn't really that much to report this week. Just a bunch of lessons and a ton of looking for new investigators. It's the summer vacation meaning pretty much everyone is gone. A good amount of our investigators have already left on vacation and it's only the beginning. So the work is harder than normal. It's moving along though. Our lessons are as powerful as ever. Our investigators can always feel the spirit and they make changes in their lives. The guy who was mad at us last week was also mad at us this week because we got to his house early. But once again we totally blew him away with the spirit and he accepts the Book of Mormon. Also finally the little girl we teach named Rahei got an answer to her prayer about Joseph Smith. She has always wanted to get baptised but she would never ask by prayer if it was true. Well she did it, dangit, and she said the words I'll never get tired of hearing "I got and answer to my was a warm feeling." Way to go, spirit. She will be getting baptised next Saturday. Saturday we fasted and went with the ward to reactivate inactive members. It was sweet. Although with one I came a little bit behind the others cause I had to pee and they had already started. So when we first got there they were only talking to her in Tahitian. When I got there they told me to give the message. So I shared a scripture and gave this whole lesson in Tahitian but she was real quiet. I asked her like three times what she thought and she didn't respond. Finally I asked in French and she looked up and me and says "I like this scripture but.. I don't understand a word of Tahitian." Dang it all! So we had to re-explain everything. Well that's about it. Except for I finally found the identical twin of my companion. Wario from Mario Cart. He looks, acts, and grunts like him. Gotta love the mission.

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