Monday, November 28, 2011

November 7, 2011

This week has been interesting. For Halloween me and Elder Baldridge bought candy at the the Tahitian equivalent of Walmart and gave it to each other.That night our companions took the reins and had us have a little party in Taravo. We let it slide because at least everyone was unified.... in sin! It was just between missionaries so it was alright; no one did anything too stupid. The zone unity was at an all time high. We sang and played family night games and then we made dinner together and stayed up talking.Tuesday we finally committed one of our investigators to baptism and we have many more waiting. Then another split began. Despite the direct orders of president (who was is Australia) Elder Bell's companion begged us to do another split because he was sick and it was concerning "his salvation" whatever that means. So I spent a couple days in Taravo with Elder Bell again. He has a death threat from another missionary so it was a weird couple of days. Saturday we had a mix of miracles and confusion. Lakina, who we baptised a couple weeks ago, needed us to come over and teach him how to baptise because he was going to baptise his wife later that day. Surprise! She's an excommunicated member who we taught for quite some time and no one decided to tell us she was going to be baptised... We he baptised her and it was awesome. There was almost no one there and almost no water in the thing but we got it worked out. Also I did two sketchy baptismal interviews the weekend. One for a kid who wasn't prepared at all. And the other for a lady that had broken every commandment in the book. It worked out though. Finally today after our singing thing president wanted to see me, my companion, and many others in interviews. He chose me out of everyone to go first and asked me a ton of questions. I feel like he knows something that I don't. He just asks all these questions and he never seems satisfied with my short one or two word answers. It worked out though. I think he got whatever he was looking for. When I got out everyone was at a table and they said it was my second interview. They only had one question- what did he say? The only thing I learned from that interview was that he probably doesn't hate me anymore and that he has no idea when and where I'll be transferred. Also he doesn't trust my companion anymore. My companion is great when I am with him but whenever he does splits he goes a little wild. I guess they watched Saw last week with an investigator. Whatever. Well that's about it for this crazy week. I guess my Halloween is just starting. Omer is in Vairao. I don't know why. I don't know where. But he's here. So help me. Also I can't believe it but after this week I only have three months left. Weird. I'll try not to think about it though. I'm more concentrated on the chaos all around me. The missions pretty cool.

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