Monday, December 20, 2010
December 13, 2010
We had a cool story from an investigator. We gave a blessing to her husband who is like a thousand years old and she was really touched by the spirit. After when we were leaving she stopped us because she had to tell us something- "I burned the Book of Mormon". Uh..... OKAY. But yeah she was with one of those crazy JW's and she told her to burn that book of Satan. So she did! But after ripping it up and burning it she left and later asked one of her children to go see the carnage. The kid said it was just singed on the cover. The next day she went back to see it and there was nothing left. No ashes, no paper, no nothing. So she was really shocked and now whe's got a super cool testimony story. Those people are mean man, they told us that we were evil for celebrating Christmas.. Anyways that was that. Otherwise we had and little campfire on the beach with some new members and saw two crazy guys lose their trailer going up a hill. It was just in front of us during our lesson. We had a good laugh and later learned that one of those guys is known for being dangerous. Well that does it for me. I really like this sector. We're doing some really good work and definitely teaching by the spirit. It's hard not to when you've got investigators like these people.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
December 6, 2010
Man, I'm sorry I don't write enough, it's not just the time it's just that the things that happen here just seem normal to me you know? I don't really think about telling you guys about our house or our crappy washing machine. Our house is alright I guess but it's small in comparison to the mansion I was living in. I'm hoping I can get those packages back over here. We're going to Papeete from the 19th till the 22nd for a little Christmas deally. So yeah It's like a conference but more playing than spiritualizing. MY companion is Elder Alverez. It's a Mexican name and I have no idea why. He's from Riateia and he's pretty new some I am senior. It's actually Elder Coulson from my district who trained him. He's chill; we get along nearly perfectly. Our branch has it's own little building and we live practically in it. It's about thirty feet from the ocean as most buildings are so we have a nice cool breeze all the time. I'm pretty sure we're reaching about 60 to 70 members my companion says but at church the most I've seen is like 30. We eat mostly just fish here and they almost never ever cook it. Also we eat taro. I hate taro now. I dare you guys to eat one. It is the most dry, flavorless plant in the world. I would prefer grass cause it's at least something. Also here in Rurutu they have a thing about eating clams. I like clams. You just pull them out of the ocean put some lime on them and go nuts. Weird culture man. Most of my stuff gets shipped by boat. I have some souvenirs, not an overwhelming amount, nevertheless I have zero room in my bags. I think I'm gonna buy one when we're up for Christmas if it's cool. I'll have you know that I am happy but not healthy. I've got this terrible virus that keeps coming back every couple of months in my throat which causes much pain and sufferance elsewhere and finally leaves after about a week. It's cool though, there's not really much I can do. I've taken all their crappy French antibiotics and stuff. Hopefully this time it just dies. Really though it's nothing serious, just annoying.
Monday, November 29, 2010
November 29, 2010

Rurutu Electra Office (phone : +(689) 94 03 18 or +(689) 94 04 59 in case of emergency) which is next to the town hall. It is possible, to contact, make subscription, or pay your bills.
Things are crazy here on this little island. I'm really going to miss my last sector, though. We had a sweet party the night before I left. You guys will love some of the videos I took of our hike and the night that followed. Our bishop like wouldn't let me leave. Same with our neighbors there. I'm telling you they are about as close to family as it gets. Anywho as for here it's a whole other world. I've already seen about 90 percent of the island and I know almost all the members' names. I represent about a tenth of the priesthood on the island and probably half the white people. There's got to be at least one other... We're about 300 miles south of Tahiti so it's significantly cooler but I don't need you to send anything. It's summer. Really I have nothing to complain about. It's beautiful and the members are the bomb. I traded my bike for a few days stay at a beach house if that's alright. So I've really gotta keep that thing nice. Otherwise life goes on in the mission work. It's hard because the amount of Tahitian spoken here is much greater than the amount on the main island so I've really got to get that into better shape. Otherwise I have no troubles here. I hope all is well. I'm going to finish cause there's a big scary guy sitting next to me and I think he wants the computer.

The lifting of stones is perhaps the most representative activity in Rurutu. A numerous crowd assists the competition and encourages the athletes; some of them are only 15 years old. It consists on lifting and maintaining on your shoulder a fragment of orgue basaltique which weight, for men, can reach 130 or 150 kg. The stone, particularly dense and smooth, offers only little purchase. The competition in between villages is tough. To be the champion for lifting the stone is an envied title.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
November 23, 2010

Tonight I am going en ville then tomorrow morning I'm catching a plane to Rurutu where I will most likely die. There's like cannibals and stuff. But it's okay, all the more stories right? Seriously though, I couldn't be more stoked about location. It's in the Austales and so it will be nice and cool while here on the mainland the summer season is just about in full force. It's just me and my companion out there with about forty members. How do you work with the members if there are none? But yeah, that'll be interesting. I'm worried my connection to the internet will be even less. But you guys know President will call you if something nuts happens. Anywho this week was just your average one. Lots of teaching and bike riding and stuff. I got semi-attacked be a girl last night which makes two for two. First sector that girl asked me leave my mission for her and last night she was just sketch. It's all good. I am standing strong against these crazy islander girls. Just kidding. 99 percent of them are normal but there are the crazies too. Really that just about does it for here. The biggest news is that I am leaving and going to some even crazier island. So I hope I'll talk to you guys soon.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
November 15, 2010
Paiti had a little girly fit and tried to fight Cosby but instead he beat up our fridge. That poor thing has been beaten twice in my presence. It's okay we gave him some food and he calmed down. He also spent nearly 12 hours taking two good bikes and making zero. Oh man! Saturday we had 5 baptisms! It was amazing. We got them all taken care of with no problems. And the people who had our cameras took pictures all throughout the ordinance. We deleted them but it was kind of cool to see those action dunk shots. I was stoked I got to be there for that. I'm really sorry we weren't able to get real emails done today or any the last week. I promise I try my very best but I am in the middle if the ocean with minimal connections.
November 1, 2010
I'll just start right off and say honestly I'm fine. The doctors here are terrible so I have to do things myself. I'll get to work on that toe nail. I've dug er out a couple times and it hurts like a banshee. My finger will always just be a little souvenir. I went to another doctor en ville for it and he just burned me with nitrogen. It was a waste of time. Really though it's fine. My eye is pretty much better. By the way are you guys practicing any French? You have to know it for when you come. Anywho as for life here it was a somewhat uneventful. My companion Elder Paiti was really weird this week. He tends to leave us a lot. And he also tends to break his bike a lot. Also he tends to not pay attention in lessons a lot. It's all good though - my comps are cool cats. Today we went out boating. It was way fun. Oh random note, so do you remember how I said all of our investigators are nuts? Yeah just this week one saw Jesus, the other got a warrant for his arrest and the final one used to smoke leaves.
October 18, 2010
I've got soooooooo many hikes to take you guys on when we come back. We got our other companion and we are both the boss. It's good - we're still working every minute of everyday which is an experience not all elders have here. His name is Elder Paiti and he comes from Fakarava where I've got that beach house to stay at. He also has a plane. We've certainly got some reasons to go there huh? Elder Paiti is way cool though. He also had an insane companion but his was posses ed and choked him out. I think I made friends with the machete lady just yesterday actually. Otherwise this week has just been average. I got this crazy infection in my eyes that every one's got so they are just as red as the devil's.
Our investigators are for the most part insane except for a few. Just yesterday the lady who we saved from suicide turned around and gave me a smile and a note. I smiled back but it quickly faded when I read yet another note about her husband's crazy beatings and knife threatenings. I'm so sick of crap like this! They are constantly battling. I told her to talk to the stake president cause this is clearly out of our hands. Well that just about does it for me. We're going to go pretty soon and get some hand carved drums and paddles from our bishop. Score!
October 11, 2010
We got dropped by an investigator's mom earlier and just yesterday I found out why. There is this crazy grandma who is going around chasing people out of their houses with her machete cause she thinks it's her land. She also beat another one of our investigators and terrifies many members. The police are too scared of her (they're French, see) so the mayor is in action now. Let's see here, yesterday I got told off by an old angry reference because I am white. It's not the first time but it's always weird. Saturday was great. We had a marriage and a baptism for our investigator Diana. It was fun and I got a bunch of pictures cause I was the official photographer because I know how to hold a camera. College sure did pay off
. It was pretty cool. But the best was later after her baptism another recent convert got up and preached to one of our investigators that she needs to get baptised right now! It was nuts, I loved it. Speaking of boldness- I've been more bold lately with investigators and I love it. There is much less beating around the bush and many more tears. Yes Elder Oldroyd brings people to tears. Seriously though bold is the way to go. Speaking of bold we hitched-hiked home the other day and none of the people would take the lessons, we failed. This week should get more interesting cause we're getting a Tahitian with us Wednesday. Also I should be staying here in Hitiaa for a while longer which is good cause I've already got an oar, a drum, and a house. Pretty good for two months huh?
. It was pretty cool. But the best was later after her baptism another recent convert got up and preached to one of our investigators that she needs to get baptised right now! It was nuts, I loved it. Speaking of boldness- I've been more bold lately with investigators and I love it. There is much less beating around the bush and many more tears. Yes Elder Oldroyd brings people to tears. Seriously though bold is the way to go. Speaking of bold we hitched-hiked home the other day and none of the people would take the lessons, we failed. This week should get more interesting cause we're getting a Tahitian with us Wednesday. Also I should be staying here in Hitiaa for a while longer which is good cause I've already got an oar, a drum, and a house. Pretty good for two months huh?
October 4, 2010

We saved a lady from suicide the other day. I just decided to go over and see how the family was doing and when I saw her I asked how she was doing. She responded and told me she was just about to kill herself before we got there... Yeah okayyy. So we took care of that and they're all much better now. I taught a crazy hard lesson to a deaf Jehovah's Witness. Also I taught a Jehovah's Witness missionary, too. We fear no one. We must have looked crazy trying to sign and all... I got a back rub whilst eating by a high guy. I rode a BMX bike from Tiarei to Mahaena which was death. All that and more but I tried to keep it simple and short due to the fact that we are running behind. It's been a crazy two months here but it's all paying off. Just yesterday I received a call from one of the Elders who served here before me just to thank me because he had heard of the progress here. It's really nuts. We went from two little families to like a zillion baptisms in no time.It's weird - everyone knows my old companion had problems and every single person when they first saw me with someone else was really happy.
September 20, 2010

Elder Cosby is my new companion. Cool guy. He's from Texas - it's a big state, huh? The baptism of Vitiarii went well. I dunked him good but one of the witnesses said no because he didn't plug his nose. Yeah... OKAY. We got it cleared up though. The next day we had an interview with President Smith. I accidentally told him how I lied to cover for my companion. Friday he came round and sent his butt home. It was an awkward situation; dude Cosby was already in the car. Anywho he was an angry person as always. He wouldn't speak to me, yeah sorry that your INSANE!!! But yeah I guess he actually does have some serious problems. I guess it's cool I lived with a crazy guy for almost two months. From the third day when he locked me out of the house until the day he tried to kill me, we have some memories. Let's see we had a surprise baptism for one of our investigators. That's pretty rare. The last thing she said to me was that she didn't want the lessons anymore. I guess that night she went to the bishop and set up a baptism but no one bothered to tell me. Including my phone stealing companion, yes he stole the phone, and my dictionary! But we got her interviewed and baptised and halfway across the island all in the space of about an hour. OH I forgot Vitiarii went for a little swim in the font after. Today has been nuts enough. We went on a killer hike with our neighbor then we played some great football in the mud. Then I freaking cut my finger off! Just kidding - not off but still it was gnarly. This freaking rusty spear broke in my hand. I had a little look see in about a quarter inch into my middle finger. Nasty man. It was just not mine. Well we got it under some water and it was just bleeding like nuts. All the while my neighbor was forcefully trying to convince me to rip off the skin. I was going to but it was wayyyy to thick. It would have taken the rest of my finger with it. So we went to the little doctor's place and I got a few stitches and a tetanus shot. It strangely didn't hurt at all like it should have. Well anywho that's it for this crazy week. Thanks so much for telling Bishop and stuff. Everyone is really happy he's gone, especially me. I was a fool for wanting him to stay. Everyone here really is stoked, members; investigators, neighbors, missionaries, everyone. So thanks so much. I don't think this companion is insane or anything.. Haha for reals though he's awesome, he won't snap. With all the love, l'amour, e te
September 13, 2010
Well first things first I really don't want you guys to be freaking out. I'm not afraid of a man with a temper. These are like the most friendly people I have ever met. Now, clearly you guys see it as more serious than I did. I'm really not hurt, it's not visible unless you look. I have on bruise still on my elbow, and the one on my head and on the other arm went away. The cut on my hand is almost gone, but it will be a cool scar. I don't like this, I sound like that lady who has been beat by her husband her whole life. Just know that I am fine except for the awkwardness. I'm not sure if he did this to his other companion, he was an American, too. He is just frustrated with this mission, I guess. His Mom told me to ignore him. I'm working on it. He has been cool for the most part lately. I'll have to take a picture of the dent he made in our freezer. That's all I care to say on the matter. I trust your judgement totally, but I am done with the matter.
September 11, 2010
Well it doesn't look like I'll get transferred. I didn't tell President much for my own reasons. My comp has got some serious problems and he apologized sincerely. But still I'm really looking forward to when he leaves (he wants to change missions). President called him to change sectors but he couldn't go there cause of a girl thing. Tuesday is the baptism of that kid who has bailed twice at the last moment. Once about a year ago when he got baptised he didn't come the next day for the confirmation. Once with us his mom said he couldn't just about an hour before. Well this time I'm dunkin him and the next day we're pullin him to church by chains if necessary. Seriously though he's got a testimony and he'll be fine. Next we had a terrible lesson the other day. We started with a prayer and after I asked this lady how she was doing. She started to cry. Her husband sat and looked at her. And this old lady, who I think is his mom, started showing us her drawing she made of the plan of salvation. I was just in shock, it all was happening so fast, I looked over at my companion who was reading the Bible and I realized nothing could get worse. We got passed it though.
September 7, 2010
This sector is the biggest on all Tahiti. It's 20 kilometers on bike. That's like 12 miles right? I can see the ocean from my room. It's nice hearing that thing in place of those awful roosters all day and all night. There are little stores up here but they are really expensive. Even more so than the ones in the larger cities. We do our shopping in Taravo after district meetings every Friday. Me and my comp aren't really getting along. Last night in our planning he decided to change P-day to Saturday instead of Wednesday with the other guys. I said that was no good since Saturday is the best day for work and all. He freaked out, stood up, threw his planner at me, then came over me and hit me. I was pretty mad so I stood up and we were just in this weird moment. He kept pushing me and asking me to hit him (he knows if I hit him solidly it's all fair game). But I didn't wanna come home yet so I didn't. But he just kept on pushing me. Now this is where it gets weird. He was just so angry over nothing that I started laughing at him and his little attempts to scare me. Which made him more angry, but it was worth it. It was so childish, he told me how if he wasn't a missionary I would be dead in the ocean. And he kept trying to swing like inches from my face to scare me. He threw down my book of Mormon and stomped on it and it wasn't cool. Finally I said some things I'm not proud of, but it was in English so it's cool. So this morning he sent me a little apology note and told me the true stuff of why he freaked. I forgave him but I don't really want to stay with him. I already can't wait to tell you the whole story in person and with actions. I've maybe said ten percent. But I'm all good; just a couple of cuts and bruises and a crazy story. Also yes, I did get my bike fixed. These neighbors are so cool! Well there's that for now. Don't worry about anything here. Life is solid and full of stories.
August 30, 2010
My comp is racist against Americans. So that's why he's not too friendly always. I talked to his mom today (yes I know all my companions families) and she just kept trying to ask me if he is mean to me. I kept lying and saying no but she just told me to ignore him and she hates it when he is a jerk. It's cool though I have some great experiences and it always gives me a laug. I tend to laugh at his jerkish comments. We went to the temple Thursday and it was so awesome. I am on the island with the temple where you can't be farther than 45 minutes away and yet it was my first time. I loved it but the French there is not the French I have been speaking here man. Ah yes the baptisms. One went down without a problem but the other bailed the morning of. It's cool he'll get baptised in a couple weeks. It was the first one here in Hitiaa or Tiaure for the year. The other elders honestly did nothing here; almost zero investigators and zero everything else too. One of the families we teach is just terrible every time. We're there to teach the kids and the parents are inactive members. Every time after we teach the dad asks some huge ridiculous question. This time it was up to me to shut him down. First off- how do we know we have the true baptism and not the Catholics? Second- Well how do we know this is the true church? And finally- why don't we baptise babies? This man blesses the sacrament, might I add. Well I scriptured and testimonied the crap out of him whilst even gently pounding on the scriptures... He went real quite until he said the line we hear every week. "It's not for us, the lessons, it's for the kids." Final little bit then I gots to go. We had a service project for this old lady in which involved back-breaking work in the heat of the day. It's cool though. She worked hard, too. Sitting in her chair smoking yelling at us "Heare!", which is Tahitian for GO! Other than that it's just average here. I've had some crazy fun rides behind a car and a scooter on my bike and in Mataiea they are baptising everyone I taught. Some sow and some reap but they can both rejoice together. Jesus said that.
August 23, 2010
August 8, 2010
I got transferred because of that hike. Two people got sent home and I had to replace one of them. President called me and told me I would be transferred in three hours to Hitia. I am sort of kind of really unhappy cause I couldn't say good by to anyone. Yeah so I left the Saturday of two baptisms and two weddings. That was depressing. Now I am in an area with an elder who is also new to the area and mission. The elder who got sent home didn't like working all that much so we are pretty much starting from zero looking for investigators. It's been a slow week of searching but the members have really helped and given us over 45 families to try. Time goes at least ten times faster with lessons than door to door and stuff. Each night I am just way tired and stoked to come home to our little kingdom. It's the best house in the whole mission by a long shot. I'll take some solid pictures but for now just know it feels like a summer home or something. and instead of marijuana walls we have pink ones, which is pretty cool I guess. Everyone is really impressed with my French and knows I'm not quiet except my companion. For some reason he has convinced himself that I know nothing even though he hears me talk all the time. It really sucks but he always tells me I am too quiet and that I'm not doing my job as a missionary if I am too quiet. He always tells people too, like we'll meet someone and on of the first things he'll always say is how I am really struggling with French. But I swear I'm feeling fine! I'm no where near perfect but it's really not necessary that he insult me all the time. Whatever, I really like the guy, especially the way he was the first couple days. He is the only truly hard working Tahitian I have ever met so I am happy. Even when I was deathly ill when I came he still wanted to head out and work. Yes, I got some infection and it spread everywhere and I was in much sufferance but due to a friendly doctor and a priesthood blessing I got better way fast and was only out for one day. Just know that I am in Hitia and making the best of it. I am homesick for Mataiea almost as much as I am for real home. My confidence level is constantly shot down by my companion but constantly brought up by others so it equals out. Remember to enjoy the simple things in life, they're the bomb! Speaking of which I finished the BOM the other night and it's still true as ever before. With all the love, l'amour, et te here
July 29, 2010

My comps are great. They are willing to work hard especially when we have things planned. Other than that as with everyone it takes a little pushin. Elder Jackson is from Arizona and he's been here for a while. Elder Hutia is from Bora and he is brand new. I've got a connection to Bora man! Our investigators are many. We have got a few right now who follow this gospel except can't get baptised due to one thing in their lives. Such as marriage, or families. But we still teach them and try to work towards fixing those problems. We actually had one take a little break from the lessons. It's the one that confessed an undying love for me. I don't know if I already mentioned that.. But yeah I am pretty sure I'll be done here in the next five weeks. It's sad but exciting. Saturday is our day for two weddings but the baptisms I am not so sure about. I had to tell one guy to wait because we're still not done with the lessons. The others I never see anymore and we haven't done an interview. But either way we are invited to both the awesome parties.
Okay I'll leave you with a little experience of this P-day when I couldn't email. So we went on a hike with our whole zone, that's like 15 elders I think. So on the way up our president calls my buddy who goes home soon and asks him what he is doing. He lies... Later we get to the hike and it was amazing. Water falls and caves and just crazy stuff. But at one point my previously mentioned buddy and another elder took a swim. That's wrong obviously, but it's something that it's better to ignore. Anywho, later that night my MTC friend Elder Frishchknecht called President and told him. It was an honorable thing to do but now the whole mission hates him. I feel so bad for the guy; the Tahitians will never forget what he did and they will build a wall of hate against him before they even meet him. I have even been warned that I shouldn't talk to him too much or they'll think I am a rat. Of course I'll still talk to him but isn't that terrible?
July 19, 2010
I have only seen like one spider here and he was fairly sized. Almost as big as my hand but I scared him away with a leaf cause I'm a man. Other than that there are way less here than there are at home. The only scary thing are the centipedes that I've seen which are like six inches long and have a pretty poisonous sting. Fishing I caught this one fish that was all brightly colored and rainbowy. I actually caught a couple and then I caught a couple that honestly were growling at me. The fish have some teeth on them and they are ugly. Sundays we just go to the ward by our house in the morning normally then we go to our other ward. We'll take one of our investigators out and teach them if it's in our ward but in the other one they have a class for all of them. This week we went to the baptism of our investigator Tetia. That's my second baptism and both have been from beginning to end. I feel great about it. Also we have a marriage and four baptisms coming up all on the same day. This sector is starting to really really improve. It has gone from one of the crappy sectors to an average one. But as far as baptisms it looks like we are going to be on top. Especially for July which is the worst month here. Ummm yeah so my companion leaves today and I will have two companions. One is an American who is probably near a year and the other is a new Tahitian. I think I will be here for about six more weeks. I will show them the sector then bounce. This is the big transfer right now when everyone changes and the new guys come in. My buddy Elder Pickett is the new assistant, crrrrazy good. Well anywho I'll tell you next week whether my companions are rule followers or rule breakers. Most people are rule breakers here but I'm hoping these two aren't.
July 12, 2010
We had a ton of people come to church despite the World Cup. We have a baptism this Saturday which is great. This will be my second baptism and both will be from first lesson to last. Wow I got my haircut twice this week. The first one made me look like a freaking monk. So I have way short hair now.... Anywho we are going fishing soon, so I am sorry I can't email more.
July 5, 2010
This week was much like the others, always something weird going on here. For starters we did a service project. We weeded Taro with machete's. Taro is like a potato; a potato minus flavor and a little more dry. They think it's weird that I like potatoes. Anyways I like taro alright. No, but this kid was taking a video with my camera and another kid kicked a soccer ball and it hit him down low. You guys will love that one. Also it was a funny miracle the other day. I was reading in preach my gospel how to better find investigators and this random car comes cruising down our driveway. It was this guy Rafiel and he had a reference for us. Nice guy but his "James Bond car" smells horribly of gas when your in it. The other day we were eating at this guy's house and this girl came by and she wouldn't even talk to the missionaries. The next day she saw us and asked for the lessons, well alright... anywho I found her name amongst the past investigators and she had taken almost all the lessons. So after our next lesson I asked her what was up. She told me the last Elders proposed to her. I thought she was joking but she wasn't. Finally yesterday I had a split with Pickett. I have been in Vairao for a bit. I love that sector. I am friends with like everyone. Plus I can drive. We did seven lessons in one day which is incredible. But one lady told us we were sent from Satan. Yeah the premortal life is pretty satanic...
Anyways all is well here is Tahiti. The bugs aren't bad here except for mosquitoes. The only bite my feet like when I am in flip flops. I love the lizards cause they eat bugs and catching them is fun. Yes we have a cell phone. Three hours of outgoing calls per month. Papeete was just like I said it was. The stores are really nice and the people aren't as nice. It was a short trip.
June 28, 2010
Food here is pretty bad but I have learned to love it. They just slice up a whole chicken, bones and all and boil that stuff up. It's muddy sometimes which actually makes for so fun riding. But there are some ways to avoid getting all muddy. The language is coming strong as always. But I have realized that my accent is terrible. Just the other day someone even asked me if I come from the south. Even English is terrible! Whatever - most people understand usually. We officially have four dates set for baptisms. Everyone has been asking us when they can baptized... Yeah that's easy enough. Also one other positive thing this morning another guy gave blankets to us. Score!
June 23, 2010
This American minister who we teach French gave me a bike seat. He just loves me and I love the guy too. But I commented on how nice his bike seat was and he new we had a long bike ride that day so he gave it to me! I tried arguing with him but he said the Lord told him too.. It's called the "End Zone". Sooooo nice. Also I got backed into by this guy. I like the guy and he never noticed so it's all good. Maybe someday I'll tell him. But the bike didn't receive a scratch. And speaking of the bike, I am getting better all the time at popping wheelies. It's important here. I got a new investigator the other day - William. He's been coming to church. Today we had an awesome lesson. It's our second lesson with this lady and she asked if she could be baptized Sunday. Uh....... Okay maybe after the lessons? As seeing we haven't quite yet told her who Joseph Smith is... Speaking of lessons we have got lots of new people and July is usually way slow but I think we will do well. Also the language is great. As far as French goes I can talk to anyone almost about anything. Of course there are always words I don't get but it's pretty darn good.
June 14, 2010
This week we set a goal for 20 lessons and we had 23 planned. But my comp got deathly ill. It's all good though. One of our new investigators is growing some marijuana, just thought that was funny. I'll take a pick with it. We had our first baptism. It was an 85 year old French lady. She was an interesting one. she is kind of spacey and I was worried about the baptism. She chose my comp thank heavens. Man at first she slipped and almost died getting in. Then she starting freaking out because it was too cold. after about 20 minutes of attempting to comfort her he said the prayer way fast and just dunked her. She screamed on the way down. After that she was pretty calm. Everyone was watching, I loved it.
June 7, 2010
Man it's good here. I looked back in my planner and at the beggining of May we were doing 8 lessons a week. Now we are up to 17 about. We set a goal for 20 this week which is the Zone goal. So if we pull that off it will actually be amazing. Oh and before me they only had like 4 investigators. Now we have 11 families or individuals. I am not amazing, but the work is improving lots. My comp has improved every day since I first met him and now he is incredible. The other day I went on a split with one of the Zone leaders, Elder Picket. I went to his area, Vairo. It was legit. Lots of lessons, lots of good conversations with investigators. The missionary day is very simple. We wake up, eat, study, go out and teach, then go to our faatamaaraa with a member. I drove this crappy French car which like all cars is a stick shift. After a while he asked me how long I had been driving stick? Well, I had driven I think twice on the road and once down our driveway at work... He was surprized. The roads here are nuts but I made excellent time. In the two wards there are I think about 30 active families and a million innactive. Yesterday we went out with some of the Elders Quorum to reactivate a few. We got four in just a few hours. About 25 a month are reactivated. It's weird how that works. Also the encouragement to go on a mission just isn't there. I think at least a quarter don't even consider it. Anywho all is well here. I've gotta bounce. Keep up the good work on the home front. I'm still here in a weird country.
May 31, 2010
Man, my comp has improved so much. We taught a lot more lessons this week and spent less time at member's houses. I just found out yesterday that before my comp got here it was 0 lessons a week. Then with him and another it was around 8. Now we're rockin around 15. So certainly things are looking bright. He corrects everything I do which is weird. Just the other day he changed where I was taking a leak for no reason... He corrects at least four things everyday and often his reason is that it's hot here and cold in America... Soooooo weird. But it's all good. The lesson in Tahitian was way hard but I handled it alright. It's hard to be nervous when you're talking to a grandma. I live by a river dealy. There are tons here. But the funny thing is I didn't know that for a long time. The trees are so thick that I can barely see past our little fence. Just two days ago I saw a house that I didn't know existed. I have done zero baptisms. We've got a whole bunch that should be coming up soon and also some marriages. I hope I am still here for everything. President in our interview acted like I would be transferred soon. He said me or Punu would be leaving soon but he didn't know which. I love my area, I don't want to serve in Papeete or Faaa with all my heart! I don't speak English except on P-days and often in my mind.
May 27, 2010
Well my comp tried to tell me to lie in my interview about our work but I said heck no. He tried to tell me what to say like four times.. But he went first and President had heard from our zone leader what was up. I am friends with the zone leader and I just told him for kicks and giggles. Anywho I work has improved majorly since then. Just today my comp stopped at the Catholic church where we talked to a Catholic man who is now taking the lessons and he wants his family too as well. I dunno that was way cool. Also I taught The Joseph Smith Story the other day for the first time in a while. It was flawless French, really none of the words were mine. Stuff like that happens lots. Also I occasionally have a lesson where I sound like an American has only been here for a month. Speaking of which I have my first couple Tahitian lessons coming up with new investigators. Dang it's going be harder than the first week of French for sure. It's all good. Well anywho I better get going. Just know I am alive. Oh and yesterday was my one month anniversary here. It came pretty quick.
May 17, 2010
Man oh man I think I would kill for a good burger right now. I've eaten so many animals but it's all grade D meat. Soooooo many bones and cartilage and fat. I ate a goat the other day and it was alright. Everyone made the sound for me. Baaaaaaaah. Thanks guys... Hmmm so someone died this week. It was the husband of the lady who called me cowboy. It was a sad funeral and my comp was way bummed. So we got almost nothing done in the last two days. Lessons fell through right and left. It's okay I told him I want to work more and he says he does too. Oh so random, I had the ultimate foreigner moment today. I tried to pull a door that said push. I can't read stuff like that! Oh and mom please for the love send me my pajama pants. Other than that I am okay cause my comp gave me a blanket. Maybe send me a sweatshirt?
May 10, 2010
We live in a little town north of Papaeri but it's name escapes me. Most our work is in Papaeri. My comp is an alright sized guy; he used to be my size... He is much bigger than me. I sleep like a rock at night except I get cold with the fan after a while. Although it's saving my life. But yeah it's like 75 and I am cold. I'm a true Tahitian. Oh so last night I gave a talk only to like thirty people but they loved it. Especially because at the end I said that Tahitians are way more humble than Americans. They love when I talk them up. The days are going by really fast here and the weeks are half as long as the days. My comp is a happy fellow. I thought he was disobedient a little but after all the stories I realize he is just Tahitian. And a good one at that. It would be real hard to take their lifestyle and then to come on a mission.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
May 3, 2010
Okay let me start with the bad news then I will work my way towards good news. Man yesterday was honestly the worst day ever. I am pretty sure my camera fell out in this members truck. In fact really sure but we cannot get in contact with them because our phone is really bad. Then I woke up at about 11 last night and threw up and had diarrhea until the sun came up. Oh and yeah of course we have no toilet paper so I had to go into the cold shower about 20 times. It really was a lot like I imagine Hell is like so I will be good. Good news though my comp had a strange rub he put on my stomach and he tied a shirt around it real tight and I stopped. My Comp is the he speaks no English except a few slang phrases. I guess it is good though because maybe I will learn French.... One time he took a nap at an investigators home, also he likes spending a long time talking to people. I guess it is the way the Tahitian coconut grows. Ummmmm We have taught a few lessons. I have usually just born testimony but I have taught a little too. I see lots of baptisms coming up soon! Ugh I understand the talk during a lesson but after it is really hard. The kids here love me and I love them too. But when they talk I understand almost nothing. So I usually just play around with them. They are always talking while we play and I can not really respond... The adults speak more clearly and they try and help me understand as they go. The people here are so loving. I already have a house to stay at when I return. I have also been told after a couple minutes of talk that my family is friends with their family. I have never seen such kindness. People with nothing give us food. Hah! I gave my comp a pair of socks and a bar of soap and he will always love me for it. I really love it here although I am not quite sure how I will survive two years. I mean the food here will be the death of me! I like it and yet I fear for my health. I think almost every meal I have had raw fish. It was that raw chicken that killed me. I know I am a fool. Just know that it is super hard and yet I think I can pull it off. I love the Tahitians.
April 28, 2010

Brother and Sister Oldroyd,
Elder Oldroyd has arrived, safe and sound, and after a day of orientation yesterday he is now in his first area of Papeari with his trainer Elder Punu, an excellent missionary who is from Mahina. We are already impressed with Elder Oldroyd and are excited to have him in the mission. We know he will do exceptionally well.
All the best,
President Smith
Papeete Tahiti
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