Tonight I am going en ville then tomorrow morning I'm catching a plane to Rurutu where I will most likely die. There's like cannibals and stuff. But it's okay, all the more stories right? Seriously though, I couldn't be more stoked about location. It's in the Austales and so it will be nice and cool while here on the mainland the summer season is just about in full force. It's just me and my companion out there with about forty members. How do you work with the members if there are none? But yeah, that'll be interesting. I'm worried my connection to the internet will be even less. But you guys know President will call you if something nuts happens. Anywho this week was just your average one. Lots of teaching and bike riding and stuff. I got semi-attacked be a girl last night which makes two for two. First sector that girl asked me leave my mission for her and last night she was just sketch. It's all good. I am standing strong against these crazy islander girls. Just kidding. 99 percent of them are normal but there are the crazies too. Really that just about does it for here. The biggest news is that I am leaving and going to some even crazier island. So I hope I'll talk to you guys soon.
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