Our neighbors have internet! Man, we have been talking to them and becoming their friends, especially Raiarii. He is tight; about our age but you wouldn't guess it. He rams which is like canoeing so he is rather large. But yeah, these people are cool. I'm using their bike while mine has a flat and they're buying the stuff to fix it. Of course I'll pay them back. But yeah, I'm already pretty sure when we come back we can stay in one of their many clean houses. I miss home but it's all good. I hit that 6 month mark and took a rather interesting tie-burning video. The big news right now is basically that in my old sector (which I miss lots) six of our investigators set their baptismal dates. One guy, William, who really is like my favorite investigator ever got baptised Saturday. He told us how whenever he saw the missionarries he saw angels. Then he told the other two guys that that's why he never talked to the missionaries before is because he was intimidated a little by the fact that he didn't see normal people. But I talked to him washing some dishes and he said yes naturally. After that he got way less shy and after every single lesson he'd give us Coke and sometimes cake. There's my miracle story. I'll tell you guys in detail and with hand motions in a little under 18 months. As for here it's interesting enought. My companion started out really obedient and now is actually being a real jerk to me. He is constantly hating on my French while everyone else is very impressed. I love it when they think I have been here for years and when I tell them it's only been a few months they're stoked. Anywho, after he threatened to beat me to death in Tahitian which was kind of cool I guess, he chilled and and now he likes me. But now he is disobediant so.... I just ate an killer lunch. Our buddy made us spagheti and corned beef. It's weird that that's good. This Saturday we have two baptisms. Kialy and Vitiarii. We asked each of them who they wanted to be baptised by and they each chose us. They're friends so we're doing their baptisms at the same time. It's gonna be awesome. Both us of will be in all our white stuff. These kids are and 9 and 10. The work here is weird. Our district leader described it as replanting a field that had been burned. That's what's no good here is there are a ton of missionaries who enter into a sector and mess things up until there are no more investigators. So here we are, doing the work and trying to bring these people back.
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