Elder Cosby is my new companion. Cool guy. He's from Texas - it's a big state, huh? The baptism of Vitiarii went well. I dunked him good but one of the witnesses said no because he didn't plug his nose. Yeah... OKAY. We got it cleared up though. The next day we had an interview with President Smith. I accidentally told him how I lied to cover for my companion. Friday he came round and sent his butt home. It was an awkward situation; dude Cosby was already in the car. Anywho he was an angry person as always. He wouldn't speak to me, yeah sorry that your INSANE!!! But yeah I guess he actually does have some serious problems. I guess it's cool I lived with a crazy guy for almost two months. From the third day when he locked me out of the house until the day he tried to kill me, we have some memories. Let's see we had a surprise baptism for one of our investigators. That's pretty rare. The last thing she said to me was that she didn't want the lessons anymore. I guess that night she went to the bishop and set up a baptism but no one bothered to tell me. Including my phone stealing companion, yes he stole the phone, and my dictionary! But we got her interviewed and baptised and halfway across the island all in the space of about an hour. OH I forgot Vitiarii went for a little swim in the font after. Today has been nuts enough. We went on a killer hike with our neighbor then we played some great football in the mud. Then I freaking cut my finger off! Just kidding - not off but still it was gnarly. This freaking rusty spear broke in my hand. I had a little look see in about a quarter inch into my middle finger. Nasty man. It was just not mine. Well we got it under some water and it was just bleeding like nuts. All the while my neighbor was forcefully trying to convince me to rip off the skin. I was going to but it was wayyyy to thick. It would have taken the rest of my finger with it. So we went to the little doctor's place and I got a few stitches and a tetanus shot. It strangely didn't hurt at all like it should have. Well anywho that's it for this crazy week. Thanks so much for telling Bishop and stuff. Everyone is really happy he's gone, especially me. I was a fool for wanting him to stay. Everyone here really is stoked, members; investigators, neighbors, missionaries, everyone. So thanks so much. I don't think this companion is insane or anything.. Haha for reals though he's awesome, he won't snap. With all the love, l'amour, e te
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