Rurutu Electra Office (phone : +(689) 94 03 18 or +(689) 94 04 59 in case of emergency) which is next to the town hall. It is possible, to contact, make subscription, or pay your bills.
Things are crazy here on this little island. I'm really going to miss my last sector, though. We had a sweet party the night before I left. You guys will love some of the videos I took of our hike and the night that followed. Our bishop like wouldn't let me leave. Same with our neighbors there. I'm telling you they are about as close to family as it gets. Anywho as for here it's a whole other world. I've already seen about 90 percent of the island and I know almost all the members' names. I represent about a tenth of the priesthood on the island and probably half the white people. There's got to be at least one other... We're about 300 miles south of Tahiti so it's significantly cooler but I don't need you to send anything. It's summer. Really I have nothing to complain about. It's beautiful and the members are the bomb. I traded my bike for a few days stay at a beach house if that's alright. So I've really gotta keep that thing nice. Otherwise life goes on in the mission work. It's hard because the amount of Tahitian spoken here is much greater than the amount on the main island so I've really got to get that into better shape. Otherwise I have no troubles here. I hope all is well. I'm going to finish cause there's a big scary guy sitting next to me and I think he wants the computer.

The lifting of stones is perhaps the most representative activity in Rurutu. A numerous crowd assists the competition and encourages the athletes; some of them are only 15 years old. It consists on lifting and maintaining on your shoulder a fragment of orgue basaltique which weight, for men, can reach 130 or 150 kg. The stone, particularly dense and smooth, offers only little purchase. The competition in between villages is tough. To be the champion for lifting the stone is an envied title.
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